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Raising Your Profile

Build a pipeline of fresh talent into your organisation by engaging with internships, work experience/taster days, part-time work and volunteering.

Tips for employers

There are a number of different ways to raise the profile of your organisation on campus, promote your recruitment opportunities and engage with our graduates.

Employer Presentations

Presentations are an ideal way to link study modules to your industry practices, tell students about available placement and graduate opportunities and/or give an insight into your recruitment process.

Networking events

Our students really appreciate the opportunities based in industry, whether that is attending a conference or attending networking events.

Career Fairs

Our job fairs are free to attend and you can exhibit, present or even interview our students and graduates on the day.


Mentoring is a great way to interact with students at any time of the year. You can work with one or a few students at a time, providing industry and career advice to individuals.

Mock Interviews

Not only do you help students prepare for future job applications, you also get the opportunity to spot which students could be your next employee.


Our students gain valuable insight when visiting business locations. Showcase your products/ services and raise brand awareness whilst providing fist-hand experience to our students where they can develop an understanding of key challenges in your industry.

Other opportunities

Pop-up Stands

A great way to interact with students at any time without competition from other companies

Reviewing Student Presentations 

Attending student presentations with teaching staff helps students prepare for future job requirements whilst giving you the opportunity to spot which students could be your next employee

Sponsorship and Advertising

We have a number of sponsorship opportunities. You could sponsor one of our awards, sponsor a student on campus as a brand ambassador, or sponsor resources required within the industry.

Contact us!

If you have questions about how you and your company can get involved, fill out the form and one of out team will get in touch!

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