The Student Charter outlines the expectations of students and UCP. It covers useful information, guidance and how students engage with UCP. This is co-written by students and UCP.
- UCP Overview and Policies
- Student Support and Conduct
- Complaints and Appeals
- Access, Participation and Protection
- Transparency Return (OfS)
- Tuition, Fees and Financial Support
- Assessment Policies and Procedures
- Intellectual Property and Research Ethics
- Safeguarding and Teacher Expectations
- Data Protection, Privacy and FOI
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UCP Overview and Policies
All HE Students
UCP policies relating to partners and students studying at ESPA on Pearson (HND) provision are identified below.
Student Protection Policy
Access and Participation
Access and Participation Plans (APP) outline our steps to reach and support the widening participation of students.
Transparency Return
Please see below for details of the Transparency Return completed by English higher education providers registered with the OfS.
The information published on these pages shows:
- The number of applications for admission on to higher education courses that we have received.
- The number of offers we have made in relation to those applications.
- The number of those offers accepted and the number of those who have registered with us.
- The number of students who registered and went on to complete their course with us.
- The number of students who attained a particular degree or other academic award, or a particular level of such an award, on completion of their course with us.
It also shows these numbers by reference to:
- The gender of the individuals to which they relate.
- Their ethnicity.
- Their socioeconomic background.
It is important to note that the data presented has not been contextualised. This means, for example, that you will not be able to see from this data how many of those applying to courses met the entry criteria. It is also the case that universities and colleges will often receive many more applications than they have spaces on courses, and so offer rates will necessarily be lower than application rates in those circumstances.
With regard to information that is split by the three characteristics of gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic background you will see that some figures may be highlighted. This is because those differences between groups of students with particular characteristics are notable.
Student Support and Conduct
HE Recruitment and Admissions Policy
HE Accreditation of Prior Learning Experience Policy
Admissions Interview & Supplementary Information Form
UCP Part-Time and Direct Application Form
UCP Full-Time and Direct Application Form
UCP Part-Time Application Form Guidance
HE Additional Learning Support and SEND Policy
Complaints and Appeals
Complaints procedure for students
At UCP, we work hard to ensure our students’ expectations and needs are met. Before submitting a formal complaint, we ask that you work with us to resolve any issues that you may have. Our lines of communication and identification of who can help are in the policy below. If we are unable to resolve your complaint informally, you should complete and submit the stage 1 form below. Students are encouraged to seek the guidance and support of the Student Officer.
If you are a student studying at ESPA, they will advise you of their informal process. If your complaint cannot be resolved, you should follow the complaints procedure below.
Complaints procedure for visitors, customers and other stakeholders (including former students)
Appeals Policy
Please note the HE Student Disciplinary Policy, HE Fitness to Study Policy and HE Fitness to Practice Policy have appeal processes within them, as these do not fall under the definition of an Academic Appeal.
OIA Annual Statement
The Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA) handles complaints against higher education institutions once students have exhausted the institution’s internal complaints procedures. The OIA Annual Statement provides contextual information for the handling of any complaints made about the University Centre Peterborough to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA), and their outcomes following OIA investigations.
Annual statements for all providers can be viewed on the OIA’s website. To view statements for individual universities, click on “search for a provider” and type in the name of the university for which you wish to see the statement.
University Centre Peterborough joined the OIA Scheme during 2019. Annual Statements with complaints data are only issued in relation to providers which have been OIA members for the whole of the relevant calendar year.
Tuition, Fees and Financial Support
Explore our comprehensive HE Tuition Fee Policy and understand the process for fee appeals, assessments, and the supportive measures available for care leavers, ensuring transparency and assistance in financing your education at UCP.
Assessment Policies and Procedures
Review our formal examination and assessment policies, including procedures for extension requests, extenuating circumstances, and contingency plans, designed to support students’ academic achievements at UCP.
Intellectual Property and Research Ethics
Examine our Higher Education Intellectual Property for Students and Research Integrity policies, which set out the framework for protecting and managing intellectual property rights and ensuring integrity in academic research at UCP.
Safeguarding and Prevent
Review our formal documentation regarding the safeguarding practices within the Inspire Education Group, teacher expectations for online learning, and the Prevent Risk Assessment and Action Plan designed to uphold a secure and supportive educational setting at UCP.
For safeguarding policies for the Inspire Education Group which includes University Centre Peterborough, visit here.
Data Protection, Privacy and FOI
How UCP will use personal data collected via its website and that held on and processed by UCP/IEG in accordance with legal requirements of Data Protection and FOI.
HESA: Use of Student Data
Note: In this notice, ‘we’ and ‘us’ refer to the higher education provider that you attended/attended (i.e., the University Centre Peterborough).
The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) is the official Government agency for the collection, analysis and dissemination of quantitative information about higher education in the UK.
Like other Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), the University Centre Peterborough has a statutory duty to pass certain personal data on current and former students to HESA.
The University also supplies HESA with contact details of recent graduates, for use in the Graduate Outcomes survey. The following data collection notices have been produced by HESA for HEIs, explaining the purposes for which the data is gathered and the ways in which these are used.
The Statement is updated annually and can be found at,