Our Student Support team can help advise you on an individual basis so you receive what you are entitled to. There might be funding available to you which you are not accessing. In addition to a tuition fee loan and maintenance loan, you may also be eligible for one of the following sources of financial help:
- Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)
- Parents’ Learning Allowance
- Adult Dependants’ Grant
- Childcare Grant
- Emergency accommodation
- Hardship funding
If you withdraw you may be required to repay scholarships, grants, or loans. We strongly encourage you to check the financial implications of withdrawing. If you withdraw at some point during the academic year, you will be liable for tuition fees for all or part of that year. The percentage of the tuition fee that you are charged depends on when you leave the course: within the first 3 weeks 0%, after week 3 but before week 1 of semester 2 50%, after the start of semester 2 100%.
Please refer to your Terms and Conditions – UCP Offer and Enrolment document provided to you prior to your enrolment and www.ucp.ac.uk/financial for more financial information on withdrawing. Further information about student finance is available from www.gov.uk/student-finance or 0300 100 0607.